Struggling for Christmas presents for Mum and Dad? Looking for cheap or free Christmas gift ideas? Is Christmas on a budget this year? ‘Tis the season, alright. But let it be the season of goodwill and free Christmas presents! You can give a gift to your friends and family this Christmas without spending a penny by offering them a Christmas Gift Cheque or a Christmas IOU.
You may have seen this on the Martin Lewis Money Saving Expert show: A Christmas Gift Cheque is a personalised promise or favour to your friends and family – like a Christmas IOU – which they can ‘cash-in’ when they want to. It saves you money over the festive period and you can make one right here with our Free Christmas Gift Cheque Generator.
Time is more valuable than money, a gift to help someone is always well received!
Need some free Christmas gift inspiration?
Well think about your skills and what someone may need, remember they can be naughty as well as nice (we don’t need to explain what you could gift to your partner). Think about:

- DIY – can you gift your time and skills? Do you have a family member or friend who really needs help kick starting a project?
- Home cooking – who doesn’t love a free Sunday dinner, or a 3-course home cooked a-la-carte menu
- Childcare – everyone needs a day off from the kids!
- Gardening – not everyone has that green thumb and your family/friends may really appreciate your gardening flair.
- Car valeting – got that friend who drives around in a car full of trash?
- Home alternatives? Can you pop up a DIY spa or massage room?
- Promise notes or IOUs – e.g. taking them shopping in the January sales, great if you need to spread the cost
- Days out and mini adventures – give them the choice to choose and give them a Christmas IOU!
- “Free Passes” – great for partners who want to skip the odd family event (e.g. trips to the in-laws).
- Domestic chore skips – you can give multiple “free passes” on things like cleaning, cooking and ironing.
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