Money Worries
What Can Cause Money Worries?
If you have money worries, rest assured that you are not alone. Money worries are common and can include things like:
How money worries can impact your daily life?
The link between a poor financial situation (in particular debt) and mental health is well documented. If you are worried about money, it could mean that you are also suffering with other symptoms because of this. Financial stress can also cause you to suffer from insomnia, weight gain or loss and anxiety. This can have a big impact on your daily life as it could mean you become distant from friends and family, or withdraw from work. Money worries can also cause a strain on your relationship, as most couples name money as a main reason for arguing. Financial stress can cause a strain on even the strongest couples.
What Can You Do About Money Worries?
- Don’t tackle it alone: Struggling with your finances can often come with a negative stigma attached. This can cause many people to try and face money worries alone. However, the age old saying ‘a problem shared is a problem halved” is a saying for a reason! Sharing your struggles with the people around you can help you to rationalise and find a suitable solution.
- Look after your mental health: As we have previously mentioned, money worries can cause a host of mental health issues. Taking time to focus on things you enjoy, spending time with friends and family or even just taking a stroll can clear your mind. For more help on mental health struggles, please visit the NHS website.
- Create a budget: Making a daily, weekly or monthly budget can highlight areas where you are overspending or where you could bring in more income. To see ways you can reduce spending or increase income, see our savings guide here.
- Get professional help: With a difficult financial situation, things can get complicated and so seeking professional debt advice can zero in on ways to help your current situation.
Is Debt Causing you Money Worries?
If debt is causing you to have money worries, help is available. Our online tool allows you to get free, no-obligation debt advice with no phone calls needed. Find the best debt solution for your unique situation today. Access our tool here or for more information get in touch with a member of our team.